To assess and diagnose the chief complaint of child patients. In addition, we present a comprehensive and complete treatment plan for complete oral health. We also provide dietary analysis and modification (if needed) and strategies for prevention of oral and dental diseases. We also provide treatments for differently abled children and those who require special health care needs under local/general anesthesia.
We have an in house facility for making and developing intraoral X-rays that help in diagnosis of oral and dental diseases.
At Kidzdent, we believe in treating not only the affected tooth/teeth, but in providing complete and comprehensive dental treatment for your child. This includes the treatment of all those teeth that are affected by some disease process, though they may not be symptomatic. We also provide preventive therapies as a part of this treatment programme. All this goes a long way in ensuring good oral health for your child.
Fluoride forms the main stay of preventive dentistry. Regular professional applications of fluoride (depending on the child’s requirement) will help in keeping cavities at bay.
A pit and fissure sealant will ensure protection against cavities on the chewing surface of the tooth. Based on the child’s requirements and risk assessment, we provide these services.
We provide a range of high quality tooth coloured fillings for our child patients. We believe that all children deserve a bright and a healthy smile.
These treatments are provided when there is a damage to the pulp because of decay or a traumatic injury. We provide a range of painless pulp therapies, depending on what is best for the child. This includes pulp therapies for milk teeth as well as permanent teeth.
These are metallic/tooth coloured restorations that cover the entire tooth from all sides and provide additional stability and strength to the tooth. Teeth that are broken down and all teeth that have undergone any pulp therapy are indicated for crown restorations.
A wide array of space maintainers and space retainers (as need be) are provided by us to aide in the normal development of the jaws and ensure good alignment of the teeth.
We provide consultation and treatment for early detection and management of orthodontic problems in children and teenagers.